

You know that amazing feeling you get when you take ordinary objects and ingredients and turn them into something extraordinary? We LOVE that feeling. And, we think you can be big or small, 7 yrs old or 107 years old, to be part of that kind of creativity.  Best of all, we know when you share that feeling with friends it’s extraordinary times 10!  So, if you are in the mood to do some delicious cooking, create some original crafts, or explore the world you’ve come to the right place. All ideas road-tested by kids and loved by parents.

Still want to know more about Wondermint Kids? Check out the Q & A with Gray or the Q & A with Ayn & Sam (aka mom & dad) or our post on our Wondermint Launch Team.

Wanna support the work we do for kids?  We love it when you LIKE us on our Facebook page.

UPDATE: To see what Gray is up to as a young teen now, visit her new online magazine GIRL FOLK. It includes posts from friends around the world. You can follow GIRL FOLK on Instagram at @GIRLFOLKMAG

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