
LEVEL: EASY (does require some scissor use)

In celebration of the first day of spring, my friends Flora, Kiera and I made FLORAL FRUIT KABOBS. These are perfect for picnics and kid parties and are easy to make. Just follow the steps below.

stiff or waxy paper works best

stiff or waxy paper works best

You can make the flower and leaf in many shapes

You can make the flower and leaf in many shapes

It’s easier if you have the pointy side of  the kabob or skewer facing upwards. Just be careful not to poke yourself.

Do not forget this step!

Do not forget this step!

Adding a slice of carrot or some other hard fruit like coconut is important because this makes a base for your fruit kabob and keeps the other softer fruit slices from sliding down and off (oops!) your kabob!

round slices look nice on these kabob!

round slices look nice on these kabob!

If you are going to have these kabobs out in the sun at a picnic then you might not want to use banana because the banana will turn brown. We like using firm melon & strawberries, especially because they make these look more like flowers.

Aren’t they cute?

Aren’t they cute?

Try to cover the end of the skewer with the bottom of the strawberry without pointing the stick all the way through. That way the top looks much more like the middle of a flower.



Another view of our kabobs!

Another view of our kabobs!

Want to see another great fruit kabob? Check out this red, white and blue one! And, make sure to check out our VIDEO of Flora and I making this. It was co-directed by my friend Kiera who you see in the photo above.